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  • Consultation remotely

    “The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.” – John Maynard Keynes In the spirit of that famous quote join us for an IT Consultation (1st Session is FREE) to avert disaster and save time and money in the use of technology in your business. Have you bought IT equipment or applications that were bad or didn't work well with each other? Let us help you plan your organisations technology in an agnostic way so that you can use those saved funds and time to grow your business instead! In this remote consultation session you will meet with an experienced IT Professional who will assist you in planning your technology requirements including in IT & Cybersecurity. Bring as much information as possible to the meeting to help us plan effectively. Our consultations are just for discussion & planning, they are not for setting things up or training or more detailed IT or Cybersecurity - for those please book an IT Support session via Note: You can book Michael Plis (Cyberkite Founder) to attend public online discussions and forums as a on-stage speaker or participant using this bookable session. For those bookings - costs can be different & can be negotiated depending on the offer and length of time. We look forward to meeting with you soon! Booking Details: ---------------------- * Fee: 1st 30min session is FREE. Consequent Sessions: Starting at $57 walk-in remote rate for 30 minute increment and then at reduced hourly rate and capped off with day remote rate of 7.5 hours at $450. Invoice emailed after session & prices include GST. * New & Walk-in Customers: All paid sessions must be paid in advance. We will issue you an invoice. * After booking: You get a confirmation by email and SMS. * Remote appointments require Zoom downloaded and installed: on any device. But we can use alternative options. * Extra Time? Yes, just ask our IT Consultant.

  • IT & Cybersec Support remotely

    "One of the biggest defects in life is the inability to ask for help." - Robert Kiyosaki Do you really want to waste time trying to save money by fixing this IT or Cybersecurity issue or getting that IT device setup for work by yourself? Save time and effort by booking an IT Support session with a business IT Professional! The IT Support session (remotely via Zoom) is a casual session for resolving IT issues, adjusting or setting up new or existing devices. You will receive help from an experienced & caring IT Professional who will do everything possible over the remote session to assist you. If the problem requires onsite visit they will arrange a follow up visit onsite (if it's in Greater Melbourne) or recommend a local IT professional in your city. Generally though with a bit of live video guidance, we can assist with most IT matters. We look forward to helping you with you IT! Booking Details: ---------------------- * Fee: 10 minute over-the-phone assessment is at no charge prior to the paid session. Starting at $57 walk-in remote rate for 30 minute increment and then at reduced hourly rate and capped off with day remote rate of 7.5 hours at $450. Regular customers on Service Agreements at $22 rate per 15 minute increment. Invoice emailed after session & prices include GST. * New & Walk-in Customers: All paid sessions must be paid in advance. We will issue you an invoice. * After booking: You get a confirmation by email and SMS. * Remote appointments require Zoom downloaded and installed: on any device. But we can use alternative options. * Extra Time? Yes, just our IT Professional.

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